
As a maker of performance, I shift amongst the roles of playwright, director, and a collaborative maker who devises and dramaturgs. I thrive on collaboration and often work at the intersection of dramaturgy and direction, especially when I build performances out of material from the historical record and when I devise or adapt. In all of my work, I make performances that investigate the limits and the possibilities of the archive, that revel in retelling and remixing, and that challenge fair use, copyright, and creative transformation.
I advocate for young artists, emphasize the radical importance of self-production, and provide access to venues for experimentation.
I produce and curate because I love making connections, building coalitions, and facilitating cross-pollination.
With playwrights, in particular, I steer and support and defend and reflect. I listen and question and respond and function not as a midwife to the new play, but as a doula for the playwright.