In my dream,
I can see the ground pull away from my feet.
The houses get smaller and smaller.
I can fly.
I don’t fly like birds though: out, across, through.
I fly straight up.
It’s almost like falling backwards.
Falling off this earth
falling away from this place
falling away from Aunt Ruby and her crazy quilts
and her weedy garden
and her vegetable soup.
Falling, away
To the moon.

A play for young audiences. A young girl seeking adventure and escape meets a strange cast of characters who help her find what she’s looking for.
This project was developed in a process that foregrounded design experiment: from a list of aspirations–including a 30 foot giant and a character who rappels from the moon–I built a play to contain them all.

Conceived, directed, and designed by Brad Steinmetz.
Presented at the Martha W. Farmer Theatre for the Performing Arts (Lima, OH) in November 2006.
Video clips available.