The Norwegians
Here in Minnesota, you gotta find a lover before the first freeze or else it’s just too late, you’re iced in for a very long time, all alone.

Two women—southerners both—are struggling to make it through another Minnesota winter. Betty (from Kentucky) gives Olive (from Texas) a great idea: hire Gus and Tor, a pair of the world’s nicest hit men and the play’s eponymous Norwegians, to off her infuriatingly nice ex-boyfriend. But there’s a twist: Tor and Olive don’t know that Gus has been sleeping with Betty. And only Betty knows that she has hired a team of punctual Swiss hit men to take Gus himself out. Will Betty call off the hit before Gus does away with Olive’s ex? Should she?

Written by C. Denby Swanson
Directed by Jennifer Schlueter
Assistant Direction and Dramaturgy by Shelby Brewster
Movement Direction by Sarah Ware
Scenic Design by Tre Reese
Costume Design by Josh Quinlan
Lighting Design by Josh Poston
Sound Design by Ruth Luketic
Stage Management by Constance Hester and Mary Maxwell
This production of The Norwegians was the inaugural Raw Theatre production at The Ohio State University. An extension of the Department of Theatre’s Mainstage season, Raw Theatre aims to give students the opportunity to undertake small-cast, compressed-rehearsal, low-tech productions that are analogous to the storefront and garage theatre-making they are likely to participate in throughout their careers. It ran September 30-October 5, 2014 at Mount Hall Studio. Playwright C. Denby Swanson was in residence and offered a workshop as part of the event.
Directed by Jennifer Schlueter
Assistant Direction and Dramaturgy by Shelby Brewster
Movement Direction by Sarah Ware
Scenic Design by Tre Reese
Costume Design by Josh Quinlan
Lighting Design by Josh Poston
Sound Design by Ruth Luketic
Stage Management by Constance Hester and Mary Maxwell
This production of The Norwegians was the inaugural Raw Theatre production at The Ohio State University. An extension of the Department of Theatre’s Mainstage season, Raw Theatre aims to give students the opportunity to undertake small-cast, compressed-rehearsal, low-tech productions that are analogous to the storefront and garage theatre-making they are likely to participate in throughout their careers. It ran September 30-October 5, 2014 at Mount Hall Studio. Playwright C. Denby Swanson was in residence and offered a workshop as part of the event.